loneuser table

Abstract: This is one-time tracking request that anyone can enter service checking data and email in and can get notifications about progress. Recipient's name, email, contents of notification message etc. is all included here and everything is deleted when the request expires.


ID - Key field.

service_ID - Foreign key linking to service table.

name - Optional name that lone user can set for himself, that can be used in notifications to address him.

email - Email address of lone user, this is where notifications are sent to, if requested.

phone_nr - Phone number to use for notifications by SMS. Ffull number with full international prefix.

checking_ID - Identifying string that user has to know to track progress of his service from service provider's site.

request_name - Mnemonical name that lone user can set to checking request to help him remember what it was about, helpful to use in notifications.

last_state - Last state of this lone user service, as extracted from service provider page by cron system.

SMS_message - Contents of SMS message to be sent to lone user, if he has requested notification by phone. Tag '{message}' is substituted by service instance status.

mail_message - Contents of email message to be sent to lone user, if he has requested notification by email. Tag '{message}' is substituted by service instance status.

mail_subject - Header field for email notification.

notify_by_email - Flag !=0 indicating that this lone user wants to get notifications by email.

notify_by_phone - Flag !=0 indicating that this lone user wants to get notifications by phone.

insert_time - Time when this lone user checking request was added. Used to delete expired requests.